Cat. No. | VNIR 111 |
Appearance | Orange Solutions |
Concentration | 10000X in DMSO |
Spectral property | Visualize in UV or Bluelight (sybr green and sybr safe filter) |
Usage | Use 10µl of dye concentrate for every 50mL of agarose gel after melting, mix by swirling and caste the gel. Load the samples mixed with sample buffer, resolve at 100-150 volts and observe under UV-transilluminator/Sybr green/safe channel in gel documentation system. |
Storage conditions | -20°C (protect from light) |
References | Please let us know if you publish your research using VNIRTM Safe Green. We can cite your reference here. |
Molecular Biology
VNIR111- VNIR Safe Green Gel Stain
VNIRTM SafeGreen is a green light-emitting fluorescent stain for DNA detection in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. The probe formulation is a one-stop solution, a safer and better alternative to ethidium bromide. VNIR Biotechnologies has developed and manufactured ready-to-use solutions for pre and post-electrophoresis gel staining. The stained gel can be visualized in any standard UV transilluminators/Gel documentation system. It can also be excited with Blue light.