All Products Fluorescent Dyes VNIR 501

VNIRTM Green qPCR Master mix is an optimized ready-to-use 2X master mix for real-time PCR assays (Use SyBr Green channel in all thermal cyclers). This master mix is useful for efficient amplification of GC rich, low copy number genes from various template types and can be used up to 60 cycles. This master mix contains 2.5mM MgCl2 (in 1X final concentration). Cat. No.: VNIR501Concentration | 10000X in DMSO (available in different concentrations as well) |
Appearance | Clear orange solution |
Spectral property | Excitation: 497nm Emission: 528nm [with DNA] |
Storage conditions | -20°C (protect from light) |
References | Please let us know if you publish your research using VNIRTM Green. We can cite your article reference here. |